Intermittent Fasting-Easy Effective Weight Loss

Fasting seems like a scary word to some people but to me it means simplifying my diet, instead of worrying about what I can and cannot eat I just simply refrain from eating anything. For some Intermittent fasting is only eating during certain times a day or only one time per day, for others it is going days at a time without eating. Studies have shown that there are health benefits in Intermittent fasting. it not only burns fat but helps to reverse some medical conditions such as.

  •   Obesity
  •   Type 2 Diabetes
  •   High Blood Pressure
  •   Digestive Disorders
  •   Age-related neurodegenerative disorders
  •   Inflammatory bowel disease
  •   Other illnesses

Before the 1990’s  when social media and video gaming were not so popular, kids would stay outside running around all day and not really think about food, especially when the menu mom was cooking wasn’t your favorite dish. I remember the portions being smaller and even then I found it hard to sit there and eat everything on my plate ( which was an absolute requirement ). It’s very easy to understand how less exercise and more inactivity can lead to weight gain

  • Helps in energy metabolism to provide optimal Intermittent Fasting Support
  • Helps to maintain normal electrolyte balance
  • Supports connective tissue formation and proper muscle function
  • The synergistic effect of the complex ingredients formulation supports intermittent fasting
  • Formulated to help achieve weight goals and support gut health
  • Stabilizes Blood Sugars
  • Decreases Blood Pressure
  • Improves Brain Health & Memory
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Prolongs Lifespan
  • Improves Strength & Endurance

Since the 1970’s the rate of obesity in adult Americans over 18 years old has increased 40% and the rate of people at risk or near obesity is an alarming 70%. We sit there on social media, chatting and playing games till all hours of the night and if you are like me that leads to snacking….a lot of snacking. Well if you are in such a rut, intermittent fasting may be the “fastest” easiest way to reverse the trend.

Before starting an Intermittent fasting diet it is very important to consult your Doctor. Once you get the ok to proceed , the process is actually very easy. Intermittent fasting is very flexible and can be done according to what you think is best. I personally chose to only eat one meal per day generally around 4-5 in the evening. I know many people that have had great success with the 8/16 fast which means having an 8hr window in the day when you can eat sensibly and then the remaining 16 hrs not eating anything. Another example of intermittent fasting is eating what you would like for the first half of the week and then cutting your intake down to 500-700 hundred calories for the remaining part . Extended fasting is not recommended, there is too much potential for creating other health problems. 

A very important part about Intermittent fasting is to make sure you are eating healthy and sensible when it comes to the eating period of time. One of my favorite things about this diet is that I’m not going out and paying unreal amounts of money for special ingredients and things my grocery store does not carry, that’s so frustrating. I am eating normal foods with my family. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water during the non eating time of day, black coffee, non sweatened tea and zero calorie drinks are fine.

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